Its 2010 and we are headed to India again. These are the adventures of Sanjay, Kris, Daya & Lys as we go to countries we have never been before and meet people we have never met before (sometimes that includes family members).

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Wedding

Let me just affirm that Indian wedding are very different from weddings in the US and very similar. Apparently, there were 23 other brides waiting to get their hair and make up done at the shop she went to.

Here is a picture of the chaos as the beginning of the service and yes the bride was late.

Thats Daya as the, yes, THE flower girl. The most important girl in the wedding. Here's another difference. There was no rehearsal.

Ashish taking pictures of the wedding up front. He is Daya and Lyse's uncle. A general surgeon in his working life and doing a residency in Urology. He has two more years to go.

Here is a pre wedding photograph at the hotel we were staying at. From left is Carol from Colorado Springs, Aunty Rosa, Aunty Sarla, Daya, Elysia, Kris, Manju and Sanna.

The pastor insisted that everybody take off their shoes and that women cover their heads. He refused to begin the ceremony until all women had covered their heads. Talk about making rubrics the idols in a formerly Lutheran church.

The bride and groom. Daisy and Abhishek

The groomsmen: Aditya and Swarit. By tradition they are meant to be eligible bachelors. Aditya is in high school.

Its almost done

Here is the picture at the end of the ceremony. The day is not done. It must have been 100 F. they look very composed for having been in a building designed to be the inside of an oven.

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Mary Lou and Ron Donkersloot said...

Thanks for the pictures! How did the girls hold up for such a long ceremony -- in the heat?!! (Mary Lou)

peperzak said...

Wow! Sounds like a fabulous trip. Sanjay you did an outstanding job. Loved reading it as a whole. And youall have a beautiful family!