Its 2010 and we are headed to India again. These are the adventures of Sanjay, Kris, Daya & Lys as we go to countries we have never been before and meet people we have never met before (sometimes that includes family members).

Monday, October 6, 2008

More Tower of London #1

Traitors Gate, was created by one of the Edwards to allow quick and safe access to money and prisoners at high tide.

One of the towers in the Tower of London


The Chapel. Dirk Hollebeek said that the sole purpose of Gothic Architecture was to make people feel small. After experiencing this at St. Johns Chapel - I am not sure if that is a bad thing for us in the modern day and age.

The gardeobe aka indoor potty. A recent innovation in the early 1500s and, like now, the more the potties the higher ones status in society. Some things never change.

How did the poor man move to defend himself or attack is beyond me. He seems to be bogged down by a very impressive suit of armour.

The one on the right is called Beer and I have forgotten what the one on the left is called.

No visit to the Tower of London is complete without one of these.
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