Its 2010 and we are headed to India again. These are the adventures of Sanjay, Kris, Daya & Lys as we go to countries we have never been before and meet people we have never met before (sometimes that includes family members).

Friday, October 10, 2008

Let the Festivities Begin October 10

I thought we were in for an informal lunch with the family before the dinner with the brides family. However, this informal meeting started with garlands. I was instructed (read ordered by Manjula) to dress formally but not a suit. I only had a cleanish pair of jeans. The code for women is even stricter and Kris is supposed to be dressed up all the time and of course you can wear the same thing twice in the same day.

This informal event carried on for a few hours and we snuck out during the sermon (sermon?) which seemed like a rehearsal for the wedding this evening.

Mum and Dad (Victor and Bindu) lead the procession

Marigold garlands everywhere for everyone it seems.

This is Aditya our oldest nephew (Rajiv and Deepa's oldest). Sanjay used to have hair like this and wishes he was this good looking then and that he still had hair.

This is the culmination of the 'informal' lunch we had. What you are seeing is the set up for the bride to be blessed and welcomed to the grooms family. There is a lot presentation of gifts on both sides, reading bible verses (naturally I lucked out and got the deutro-Pauline text from Ephesians - "a wife should obey .....). This was followed by an anointing of sorts with turmeric by the women and then a sermon/nette. Our kids were in terminal melt down by then and so we snuck off and they slept and I updated the blog.

Look at the bewildred look on Lyse's face. Daya and her cousing Jaywant are breaking up garlands and putting/throwing them on the floor near the stool where the bride will sit to recieve blessings and prayers.

Here is the bride waiting for the ceremonies to begin. Each member of my immediate family read a Bible verse and blessing and gave her a gift. I have no idea what we gave.

The drummers announced each part of the ceremony with gusto and loudness.

The grooms response to the drumming perhaps?
Or was it a stress headache.
We have all been told to be on our best behavior.
Or else!

Later that evening. Clothes have changed except for the narrators. Dinner. This is the "get to know you part of the program" Unfortunately, getting Choudhries together at one place and time twice in one day is almost impossible. Like trying to herd cats. Manjula tried her best - but there is only so much one can do.

That is mehendi aka henna.

Daya's hand with mehendi on it.

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