Its 2010 and we are headed to India again. These are the adventures of Sanjay, Kris, Daya & Lys as we go to countries we have never been before and meet people we have never met before (sometimes that includes family members).

Friday, October 10, 2008

Easy Day - Trafalgar Square & St. Pauls

Tuesday was meant to be a relaxing day. We knew we were leaving in the early hours of the morning on Wednesday to get to the airport by check in time.

Another park: Here is Lyse at yet another park near the river.

Trafalgar Square: This is just to prove that I was there. Forty years later. I don't intend for my next trip to London to wait that long.

St. James Park: Kris and Daya at the entrance to St. James Park. The way to travel with kids is find parks with pigeons preferably or just plain parks. I wonder what Lyse's memories of London will be apart from a severly disrupted sleep schedule. She has been longing for home for some time now.

St. James park: Daya feeding a squirrel with a peanut given to her by an unknown stranger. She took a peanut from a stranger so did the squirrel, except that the squirrel ran away after taking Daya's peanut.

The houses of Parliament on the river on Thames.

We are not really sure what this is.... something to do with the Cavalry. All I can say is that if I was some third world warrior, I would be really worried when these big guys with the tassles flying off their helmets came charging my way. They had an exhibition "Boots not made for walking". We also saw to horse mounted policeman and wondered if that might not be a good way to attract tourists. Imagine a Gallup city cop with a stetson mounted on a horse in the downtown area. How cool would that be!

At St. James Park: This little boy escaped from his south east asian nanny and walked up to the stork and grabbed his bill. The park staff person was freaking out and the boy cool as ice. Nanny came and got him after he wandered of after the whole incident with the stork and I doubt she even knew if it happened.

The lions of Trafalgar below Nelson's statue.

St. Pauls Cathedral. No pictures were allowed. We climbed a lot. Daya and Kris climbed all the way to the top - 572 steps. Sanjay chickened out at the whispering gallery only 372 steps up. After that you could see down through the spiral stairs and this, my fear of heights could not handle.

Here is Lyse outside the Whispering Gallery of St. Paul's. The view of London seems to be one of perpetual construction in all the directions visible.

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