Its 2010 and we are headed to India again. These are the adventures of Sanjay, Kris, Daya & Lys as we go to countries we have never been before and meet people we have never met before (sometimes that includes family members).

Monday, October 6, 2008

Peter Sellers

We were walking up Muswell Road when we saw this sign which says something to the effect that Peter Sellers lived here for four years.

Here's the rest of the house.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Out of the blue this weekend, when Aidan was praying before dinner, he added, "And keep Daya safe on the airplane and on the train. Amen." Then he told us that Daya was also going to get to ride an elephant in India. So Teddy immediately bowed his head and added, "And God, keep Daya safe on the elephant. Amen." So we've got you covered on all modes of transportation. It sounds like you're having a lovely time! Keep the pics coming (especially one of Daya on an elephant...). God bless, Stacey Hollebeek