Its 2010 and we are headed to India again. These are the adventures of Sanjay, Kris, Daya & Lys as we go to countries we have never been before and meet people we have never met before (sometimes that includes family members).

Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

The girls in front of number 16 Shepherds Hill.

Apparently you can see St. James from here on a clear day. We took a picture anyway.

Lyse, playing with her lunch.

Daya is under the weather with a bit of a cold and the consequent low energy and loss of apetite. She took a good long nap after this.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photos - keep them coming! I hope Daya feels better and that the rest of you don't feel that way next!
