Its 2010 and we are headed to India again. These are the adventures of Sanjay, Kris, Daya & Lys as we go to countries we have never been before and meet people we have never met before (sometimes that includes family members).

Sunday, October 5, 2008


We arrived in one piece, as did the girls, in London. We went through the European Union line and took a train from Heathrow to Leicester Square and then to Highgate. We arrived at the Mennonite Center at about 10:30 am local time. After a quick lunch in front of the Highgate station we took a nap. The sound of snoring pervaded.

This is the view from our window of the garden in the back.

The beauty of travelling, particularly the first leg, is that you discover what works and what doesn't. Benadryl works and the camera is refusing to download pictures to the laptop. Something to do with Vista and the unavailability of drivers.

Here are some pictures of the Mennonite Center http://www.menno.org.uk/images/50thAnniversary/Archive/50s-60s/index.htm

one of the babies is me.

Last night we had dinner at Toffs on Muswell Road. I had fish and chips and Kris had pie and chips. Daya and Lyse had chicken nuggets, chips and mushy green peas.

Today and tomorrow we have the best of British weather - rain. Something we don't often experience in Gallup.


Grandpa Stan and Gramma Grace said...

Glad you arrived safe and sound--and sane. Fairly rested is maybe too much to ask.

Have a great time. I kind of wish we were there as well.

Hope the next leg of your great adventures goes as well.

Mama Grace

Anonymous said...

Have fun in London!

Anonymous said...

okay, that last one was from us, I think that's Kate's account name. But comments from "Sweet" will be from all of us. =)

M,K,N,K,K and B