Its 2010 and we are headed to India again. These are the adventures of Sanjay, Kris, Daya & Lys as we go to countries we have never been before and meet people we have never met before (sometimes that includes family members).

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Daya's Preparation for the Trip

Daya is obssessed with her camera that she is sharing with her mother. Please note the classy color of the camera and the placement of the finger on the lens.
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Uncle Phil and Aunt Marilyn

Uncle Phil and Aunt Marilyn visited us for dinner. We would have liked for them to stay with us. The girls fell in love with both of them and wouldn't leave them alone.

Here we have an example of performance toothbrushing in action. Lyse scored a 8.9 losing points for spitting on her shirt.
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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lyse after a hike

Lyse in the back of the truck after a quick hike. It is very hard to get to stay this still.
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Six Days and Not Counting

We leave on Friday, October the 3rd for India via London. The culprits involved in this journey are Kris and Sanjay who serve as parents with Daya and Elysia serving as children. Daya is 5 1/2 and Elysia is almost 2 1/2. We have ample supplies of Benadryl and we look forward to this trip with some trepidation.

We will be staying at the Mennonite Center - I mean - Anabaptist Peace Center in London, where Sanjay was born (http://www.menno.org.uk/node/1). Some of you receiving this will have stayed there back in the 60's.

Anyway some of our itinerary includes the Tower of London for the jewels, Trafalgar Square for the pigeon poop, Westminster Abbey for the hot air, Big Ben for the noise, and St. Paul's Cathedral for a breather.

We are also looking forward to visiting Comrade Karl Marx's grave site in Highgate. After this we will engage in some capitalist retail therapy by going to some place like a used book store.